We have a vast amount of experience designing remodels and additions for old houses and new houses. We can get most designs permitted for you without any engineering saving you on that cost.
Before we begin, we’ll need these items from you:
- You’re address
- Your Side, Front, and Setbacks
- Send us any existing plans that you have
- If you don’t have any existing plans, you can either have us come out to your property and take as-built dimensions – or if it’s simple enough, you can send us dimensions
- Rough Sketches of your remodel / addition ideas. You can roughly sketch something out on a piece of paper, label what’s existing and what’s new and take a snap shot of it with your phone and send it to our email or phone.
After we get these items, we’ll most likely want to meet in the office which is a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit – We can assess and give you an estimate afterwards